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A member registered Oct 01, 2023

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Using them in a free game is commercial use?

(1 edit)

Hola. ¿Sigues trabajando en este juego? No hablo bien español pero aun así pude jugarlo. Estoy trabajando para hacer el mismo juego con el mismo arte. Quizás podríamos trabajar juntos.

damn, i saw your name attached to an update of one of the cyberpunk assets and I was hoping I finally found the artist. I've tried reverse image searching, looking for similar styles, etc. I guess the artist must be under contract to only sell through them 

I hope they paid well for the license. I wish they would give credit to the artists by name. I originally found (and acquired) these on craftpix, then came across them on cartoonsmart and discovered your name. As far as pixel art icons go, yours stand out in style and being complete. I really want to use them just having trouble deciding on characters and environments that fit the style the best. 

Your page is literally full of the worst quality AI art but you're asking real artists this. Are you trolling or what?